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TranslateWise vs Zendesk

Finding the right live chat or customer support tool can be overwhelming. There are simply too many fish in the sea, as the market is crowded with a large number of chats and bots. 


This comparison of the market leader Zendesk and a rebel TranslateWise will give you insights to make a better decision.

Both solutions help to connect with customers better. However, some of the major differeneses are:




In TranslateWise the chatbox is displayed automatically in every customers' language.

It's by default feature, currently in 27 languages.


In Zendesk you'll need to build it, taking hours or days to make chatbox available even in 5 languages.



While in Zendesk it's only to chat or send an email at a time, in TranslateWise all necessary communication channels are always one click away to help literally every customer:

  • live chat

  • call short links

  • email form

  • FAQs


Who likes to search for contacts, especially if live chat is offline...

Multiple tabs help to keep customers longer on the product page and on your website, also minimizes the chances of abandoned shopping carts. 




If not already today, then hopefully one day your e-commerce site will welcome customers from many different nationalities.


Scaling your business, getting more customers, and improving loyalty is by far more efficient with TranslateWise. Many companies already switched from Zendesk to TranslateWise because of that.




Our favorite one. Unline Zendesk, TranslateWise comes as a plug&play solution. It means you are literally 2 minutes away from having all customer support tabs in 27 languages live on your website. 





Zendesk 79 eur/per agent per month

TranslateWise 19 eur/per agent per month


TranslateWise is a basic, yet professional and simple tool. Zendesk offers a wide range of features you'll find valuable too. So here're the main topics we suggest to address to understand, what you actually need.



What questions should I ask before choosing a live chat?

  1. Can it scale with my business?

    When you compare live chats, one of the most crucial yet easy to overlook things is whether the chat window can be multilingual and how much effort it takes. Zendesk enables you to translate the chat window only manually, so you need to allocate resources. You may be surprised how quickly you can scale with TranslateWise as it comes already with automated language detection and shows customer support to each visitor available in their mother language. 

    Tip: Check out the sites of Zendesk and TranslateWise customers to see the difference.

  2. How simple it is to use with my team?

    Compared to TranslateWise, most of the alternatives including the Zendesk platform can seem complicated. The right one for you, however, will help you get more done in less time. The key is finding one that’s powerful yet intuitive and simple. 

    Tip: To see how easy it is to add TranslateWise chat to your site and enjoy using it already today. 

  3. How much time do we need to set it up?

    Every customer support chat will need some customization to make it fit your website. Unline Zendesk, the new chat TranslateWise is already pre-defined with the most user-friendly feature set. All you need to do is pick the color, opening times and invite team members. It all takes just seconds. 

    Tip: Connect Facebook page with website chat to reply in one place. 

  4. What are the features besides live chat?

    Enabling call short links, FAQs, and email form right in the chat window are crucial for reducing the number of abandoned shopping carts. Even better, look for a way to provide customer service only on your website. Reports shall be also beautiful and easy to generate in order to improve your performance.

    Tip: Establish a set of essential report metrics you need to track, then look for them in live chat.


  5. How much do we actually care for the customer experience? 

    Enabling call short links, FAQs, and email form right in the chat window are crucial for reducing the number of abandoned shopping carts. Even better, look for a way to provide customer service only on your website. Reports shall be also beautiful and easy to generate in order to improve your performance.

    Tip: Establish a set of essential report metrics you need to track, then look for them in live chat.



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Õige CRMi ehk kliendisuhete haldamise tarkvara leidmine võib osutuda keerukaks. Meres on lihtsalt liiga palju kalu. Ja kuigi sul võib olla kiusatus teha valik kiiresti, peaksid enne otsuse langetamist asja põhjalikult uurima. Meie CRMide võrdlusvahend aitab sul valida Pipedrive'i, kasutajate poolt kõrgeimalt hinnatud CRMi, ja teiste tarkvaralahenduste vahel.


TranslateWise. Rohkem kui vestlusaken!

Vestlus pole kaugeltki TranslateWise'i ainus funktsioon. Kuna kõik olulised suhtluskanalid on igal lehel alati ühe kliki kaugusel, paistab TranslateWise konkurentide seas veelgi rohkem silma.


— Vestlus sisaldab ka meilivormi, kõne kiirvalimist ja KKK-d, mis kuvatakse samuti kliendi keeles.  


—  Erinevalt erinevatest alternatiividest, nagu Zendesk, Live Chat,, Olark jne, kuvatakse TranslateWise'i vestlus kõigile klientidele automaatselt nende emakeeles ja see sisaldab sujuvat tõlget reaalajas, mis toimub automaatselt ainult siis, kui agendi ja kliendi keeleoskus  ei ühti.


—  TranslateWise vestlusaken erineb teistest lahendustest ka seetõttu, et vähendab nädalatepikkust arendusaega 2 minutini. Lahendust saab lisada mis tahes kodulehele 2 minutiga ja see pakub koheselt tuge 27 keeles.

Lisa oma veebilehele võimas klienditoekeskus vaid 2 minutiga.

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